
IELTS Sample Answer Writing Task 1 #002

The graph below shows the population change between 1940 and 2000 in three different counties in the U.S. state of Oregon.

The line graph illustrates the change in the number of inhabitants living in three counties of the US: Columbia, Yamhill, and Washington over a two-decade period from 1940 to 2000. Overall, citizens of all counties increased over the period. However, Washington remained the most dominant population.

More people lived in Washington. This reached 75 thousand and was by far the highest population compared to all counties. For other counties, the total population number stood at very similar roughly at 30. By 2010, a gap between the Washington and the other cities had widened from 45 to over 150 people (in thousands). While Washington peaked at 240, Yamhill increased to the 1940 Washington figure and Columbia was close behind.

Apart from the previous comparison, all figures rose noticeably. The Washington population inclined to 120 in 1970. Both counties experienced a slight increase to 45 and 30 respectively. Those figure continued to rise from 1970 onwards.

IELTS Sample Answer Writing Task 1 #002 IELTS Sample Answer Writing Task 1 #002 Reviewed by Unknown on 9:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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